Know how
MACAM Asset stands out in several aspects, from the choice of its team, which has highly qualified professionals with a recognized track record in the shopping center industry, to the asset selection process and its subsequent development.
Supported by a long-term strategy, we carry out a selective and careful prospecting of “off-market” assets to join our funds. After acquisitions, the asset transformation process begins, reflecting the changes that are taking place in people's lives and in business, resulting in a competitive advantage over competitors, and making assets more profitable.
About us
The entrepreneur Felipe Rodrigues and Banco Master de Investimento present the newest boutique manager in the capital market, MASTER CAPITAL Asset Management, better known as MACAM Asset.
MACAM is a thematic asset, being an innovative, exclusive manager, with specific performance in the real estate segment, malls, retail, services, and related businesses, offering strategies for capital gain and liquidity for investors.
With a track record developed over decades in the shopping center sector, Felipe Rodrigues, founding partner of MACAM Asset, works with active and vertical management, participating in all stages of the process. From creation, structuring, development, to the maturation of assets and funds. In this way, we guarantee full control of the processes, focusing on performance, compliance and governance.
One look at the path taken so far is enough to understand that, as individuals, we seek rewards that mark us in a unique way.
For some, this quest may be a mere consequence of yet another social movement. Or part of the transformation in the way we consume.
For us, it symbolizes the dawn of a new era.
An era of personalized experiences but integrated with collective benefits and harmonious coexistence with the environment.
Symbolizes knowledge favoring results, but only if it brings positive and conscious impacts to people.
Symbolizes knowledge favoring results, but only if it brings positive and conscious impacts to people.
It represents opportunities and the disruption of models that no longer make sense for a connected and wealthy world.
We are experiencing the change to an era where relationships will be more human and closer.
An era where the understanding of the other pass through the awareness of who we are.
A digital and diverse world, where convenience and experiences also become tactile and sustainable.